X-Ventures Gamma is a venture capital fund (Fund) of HUF 13 billion with a tenor of 12 years. It was launched in the framework of the Smart Specialisation Venture Capital Scheme of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme.
The program’s partner organization is the Hungarian Development Bank Private Limited Company.
Investment Strategy
Our Fund invests in small- and medium-size enterprises with outstanding growth potential stemming from a sound business model, a unique product or service (preferably with international potential), and a committed management team.
The Fund has a primary sectoral focus of the information and communication technology. Among these, we are looking for ventures operating in the field of agricultural innovation, clean and renewable energy, healthy society and machine and vehicle engineering technologies. Being a generalist VC, the Fund invests into other sectors besides the mentioned as well.
Investments into companies are generally conducted in multiple tranches based on objective and measurable milestones.
Due to the investment policy of the Fund, investments can only be implemented outside the Central Hungarian region. It is important to note that ship building, mining and any kind of business activity related to tobacco products cannot be financed.
We seek companies with a traction having at least a minimum viable product, and preferably paying clients. We are also open for bootstrapping self-financing ventures whose growth potential exceeds the company’s financing capacity.